[ APRIL 2020 ] - CRNA GORA 2000 (Hong Kong '97 Clone)

Oh yeah, the only game I was able to release in my life. I made this with the Construct 2, I have abandoned that engine ever since I released that. This was made for shits n' giggles with a friend on Discord. I have tried the best as I could back then to make it extremely accurate to the original game. There's no syringe, and yeah, the game does end after 1.2 Billion points, but the ending isn't something that special.

About CRNA GORA '00...

*The player is a relative of Stalin, Kriskov, and your goal is to eliminate all of the Croat Ustasha!

*He's a war criminal, limitless shmup action!

*Beware with the Bosnian coat of arms!

*Explode Marshall Tito's head over and over again!

You can press the 'R' key to restart the level in case you don't wanna go through the sad excuse of a plot it has over and over again.